Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Not much going on
Not much going on here. It has been rainy lately. We are hoping for good weather next week. All three of Andrew's sisters are coming to visit us starting Saturday the 13th. We are soooooo excited to show them our town! Other than that, not much to tell. All is well in Lake Tahoe.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Lewiston Camping Trip
Just an update
I know I don't update this as often as I should, so I will try to be better. I have had a busy May so far. I was in Mississippi visiting the family, and I had a great time. As soon as I got home, I went on a business trip. I was a way from home for 20 days! I don't know who missed me more, the animals or my husband. I will tell you that when I got home, my dog had taken up sleeping on my side of the bed with her head on my pillows. Just like a little person. She is finally adjusting to sleeping at the foot of the bed again. He spoiled all of them while I was gone. Hey, but at least he took care of them. Andrew's sisters are coming into town in June. We are sooooooo excited to see them and show them where we live. -=0 (don't know what that is, but Cali just jumped on the keyboard and wrote it.) It can be very interesting when your only co-workers are animals. So back to the summer plans. Andrew's sisters are coming in June, Mom and dad are coming in July, Relay for life and Ashwin's wedding in August, and 10 year high school reunion in October. Busy, but exciting summer. Our doors are always open so if anyone ever wants to visit us in BEAUTIFUL Lake Tahoe, we would love to have you.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Relay For Life: Let's battle Cancer
Andrew and I are participating in the Relay for life this year in Lake Tahoe. I would like to dedicate my walk to my Aunt Barbara. She just successfully battled her second fight with cancer! She is a very strong woman, and hopefully someday there will be a cure so that more mothers, daughters, and sisters don't have to fight the same battle. Andrew is walking for a co-worker who just lost his battle with brain cancer. We have both set a donation goal of $500. Please help us reach and exceed this goal. You can see out Relay Page at http://main.acsevents.org/site/TRC/RelayForLife/RFLFY09GW?pg=peditor&fr_id=14781&px=10689588
This year, hundreds of thousands of people will hear the words "You have cancer", and there's a good chance that some of them will be people we know and love. We have all been touched by cancer in some way ... and we all have the power to make a difference. That's why I have chosen to fight back right here in my own community by participating in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life®.
I want to invite you to join me in the fight against cancer by making a donation in support of my efforts. Further down in this message is a link to my personal Relay For Life® web page where you can make an online contribution. Every amount, no matter how small, makes a difference and provides hope. You can also sign up to join my team and learn more about Relay and how it's changing lives.
Relay For Life® brings more than 3.5 million people from across the country together each year to celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against a disease that takes too much. This fun-filled, overnight event empowers everyone to help fight cancer by raising money and awareness to support the American Cancer Society's lifesaving mission.
Thank you in advance for your support. Together, we will celebrate, remember, and fight back.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Prayers for our friends the Smiths
Here is the latest
Here is the group page for Anya. You can also keep up with updates here
The Smith's have wonderful friends and an amazing church family. Jason is a Police officer in Branson Missouri, and the PD recently held an action that benefited the family.
Friday, March 27, 2009
I'm coming to visit
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
It's Snow Time
Monday, March 2, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Cast Update
Sunday, January 11, 2009
What's been hiding under wraps!
I couldn't stand myself. Once my finger turned blue and purple I had to see what the rest of my hand looked like under the splint. At first, Andrew was opposed to it, but once he saw the awesome "techno-colored" fingers, he agreed to help. Turn after turn revealed my lovely mis-colored fingers and new curves on my wrist! Once we checked it out and took some pics, we wrapped