Sunday, January 11, 2009

What's been hiding under wraps!

I couldn't stand myself. Once my finger turned blue and purple I had to see what the rest of my hand looked like under the splint. At first, Andrew was opposed to it, but once he saw the awesome "techno-colored" fingers, he agreed to help. Turn after turn revealed my lovely mis-colored fingers and new curves on my wrist! Once we checked it out and took some pics, we wrapped it back up. I see the ortho tomorrow to get the real cast if the swelling is down. Hopefully all goes well, I really don't want to have surgery. Broken arms suck, but getting pampered and getting out of chores is nice. Andrew even helped me fix my hair. The best part is not being able to put on my own clothes. Andrew had to help me button my pants last night at dinner. He said he is getting an idea of what it would be like to have kids. I miss being able to take showers...baths are getting old. I found a neat contraptions that fits over my arm and water-proofs the arm that will allow me to shower and not risk getting it wet! I saw it when I worked for the medical company in TX, my boss had one. I guess I'll be getting an early b-day present. Having a broken arm is not fun, but on the bright side it is six weeks, not a life time. Enjoy the pics, and I'll keep you updated.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. You do have a bump on your wrist don't you? Keep me posted on what the Dr. says and please be careful around any icy spots while you are out.

Tara said...

poor amy. seems you learned something from david..haha

Barbara said...

Now you have TWO wrist bones! Get better soon.