Thursday, October 30, 2008

Working out and loving it

So once again I have started working out. This time I am really enjoying myself. Now that I work from home, I am desperate to get out of the house each afternoon. When Andrew gets home, he wants a little quite time in his man cave and I want to get out of the house. It is actually perfect. He builds stuff, I work out. For those of you who know me you know I don't sweat that much. I have always thought that sweating was a direct correlation to how hard you worked out. But no matter what I do, I don't sweat. I finally found a way to solve this problem. Andrew bought me a neoprene workout waist band. I love it! I sweat like a pig, gross I know, but so cool. They make shorts and tank tops too. I now want all of it. I can be on the treadmill for 30 minutes and sweat like a maniac! It may be mental, but I feel like I am getting more from my workouts by sweating. Here's to working out and not being a Fatty McFat fat any more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be sure to drink plenty of water.