Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Update on Joe

From Joe's friend Marcus...

I just saw Joe this am and things are looking bright. He responded to voice commands at some point during the night. Although it is not where the Dr.'s want him to be, he is still continuing to improve at a fast pace. The CAT scan came back and did not show any major brain damage, just minor complications. They have an MRI scheduled for tonight to take a closer look. His vitals are good, and he was quite restless and moving around. They will most likely NOT have to put in a Trachea meter in his airway now. If he continues to improve the way he has, he will loose the breathing tube possibly tomorrow morning. These are all really good signs that Joe will be OK so let's all continue to pray for him.

Praise God for his work so far, and keep praying!


Barbara said...

I will pray for your friend and his family.

Andrea Brawley said...

How is he doing? Any updates?